11 Benefits of Fruit Buni For Health

Can Buni fruit so you know just as mixed fruit salad pestle. It was a sweet, fresh acid, and tend Sepat, make red-purple fruit is suitable as a complement to a salad. Bacca Buni fruit is a fruit, or berry, with the Latin name Antidema thwaitesianum. At first glance this fruit like grapes, round shape, small and crowded. Buni ripe fruit can be eaten or made jam. For those of you who like fresh vegetables, young leaves of fruit Buni will make vegetables taste delicious.The content of Buni, have the nutrients and phytonutrients its high. Buni fruit contains many nutrients such as Vitamin C, provitamin A (carotenoids), vitamin B1, B2 Vitmain, Vitamin E, minerals iron, and phosphorus, potassium and fibers, alkaloids and Friendelin.Blackish purple color on the fruit ripe berry showed high levels of anthocyanin in the fruit. The existence of active compound anthocyanin significant value to the health of blood vessels. Anthocyanin works by oxidize LDL (bad fat) in the body. The herbalist call Buni as a cure diseases such as anemia, blood is dirty, hypertension, heart disease, cough, digestive disorders, and others.Although currently only found in gerobag artisan salad, but this fruit has a lot of benefit. Buni fruit is scarce, but the benefits of berry fruits has been long known. Here are some of them.1. Endurance Body. High doses of vitamin C in fruit Buni can increase endurance. The fruit is also rich in fiber which can maintain digestive tract health and menjegah colon cancer (colon). The fruit can be eaten immediately or put into processed foods.2. Maintain Immune. Buni fruit is good for keeping the immune system and as an antioxidant body. Buni fruit consumption after the hard work will be able to refresh the body.3. Eye Health. The content of provitamin A in the fruit berry very good for maintaining eye health and can prevent premature myopic eyes. Fruit eaten directly or be processed foods.4. Treating Syphilis. Although not known for sure about the fruit research Buni, but the function of this fruit has been known since long to treat the disease Syphilis.5. Streamlining Gastrointestinal. Buni fruit is rich in fiber. Buni regular consumption of fruit will fill the lack of fiber in the body. It is suitable consumed for those who have digestive problems. Buni fruit is able to launch the digestive tract and prevent constipation.6. Prevent Cancer. Buni fruit can also serve as a fruit that has antioxidant function for the prevention of cancer and prevent premature aging. The presence of antioxidants have the ability to counteract the effects of free radicals, prevent and reduce the growth of cancer cells.7. Skin Rejuvenation. Vitamin C and Vitamin E would be beneficial to maintain healthy skin because it will improve the process of degeneration, nourish the skin, rejuvenate the skin, and can eliminate dead skin cells. The skin will appear softer, white, toned and glowing.8. Prevent Hypertension. Buni fruit can be useful for antihypertensive and heart health. Regular use will avoid the risk of high blood pressure, abnormal heart work, as well as atherosclerosis. Buni fruit can also be used for patients with anemia (anemia).9. Prevent cholesterol. Berry could be useful for preventing high kholestrol. Regular use will reduce the risk of high cholesterol, and decrease fat.10. Treating Ulcers & Itchy Itchy. Anti-inflammatory properties and a natural diuretic at Buni fruit can cope with various skin diseases. Such as itching due to allergies, itching due to mosquito bites, boils, acne, and so forth. Buni fruit can be topically to wounds and itching. Apply the leaf / fruit is crushed / pulverized to injury.11. Processed Materials. Buni fruit is widely used as a processed material prepared as jam, syrup, preserves, salad mix, salad, fresh vegetables, or herbsHow do you prepare the fruit Buni? 

1. Eaten directly. 
Buni ripe fruit around 30-40 pieces can be for fruit snack. Buni fruit is washed and then seeded. Her fruit flesh can be eaten. The fruit can also be used as a salad ingredient pestle, can be preserved as candied or made into syrup can be stored in a bottle. Or it could also be made in the form of a paste for fruit jam ingredients Buni. When used for treatment, can be eaten 3 x 2-3 grains a day. Drink warm water or plain water to neutralize the astringent taste that appear in the mouth.

 2. pounded like Herb.
 Buni fruit or leaves of plants can be ground to be made of herbal extracts / herbal. 

3. Brewed. 
Fruit meat, then pounded in a mortar-pestle until smooth. Add the lukewarm water. Drink 2-3 times a day, repeated if necessary. Steeping residual dregs can be used to cure wounds, by pasting it into the injured area.

4. Alloy (Mix).
Buni fruit can be mixed with other ingredients for drugs certain diseases. The herb is used for,
  • Health. Combine Buni fruit, leaf plate glass, sembung, cinnamon, and ginger rhizome.
  • Less blood diseases. Combine fruit Buni, mixed acid candis, and turmeric.
  • Syphilis disease. Combine Buni fruit with bitter leaf, leaf ngokilo, gotu kola leaves. Each drink with flavored honey as a sweetener or sugar palm. Mash until smooth, then filtered, squeezed and taken with warm water. Perform 3 x se day for 10-12 days in a row.

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